Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Melissa's Kitties blogs into a new era

Hi everyone,

For me, 2021 is a year of new beginnings. More than a year into the pandemic, I am working at home and still figuring out a daily routine that incorporates more healthy habits. (Will I ever stick to it?) I'm also intent on focusing the things that bring me joy every day. 

One of those things is sharing my kitty drawings on Melissa's Kitties blog, which I have done since 2006. I participated in the Illustration Friday drawing challenge, which provided a single word or topic each week for art inspiration. That humble beginning started on a whim with my first Illustration Friday drawing – "E is for... Environment" – and grew into today's 18 cuddly characters, a popular monthly film tribute series, and hundreds of random quirky kitty adventures. 

In recent years, I posted on my blog more sporadically, inconsistent in time and topic, because of personal distractions and lack of motivation. In fact, I burned out last year and stopped drawing altogether. Toward the end of 2020, however, I woke up from my unplanned hibernation and shook off the crustiness. I realized it's disrespectful to neglect Melissa's Kitties and its readers after the 15 years of joy they've given me.

Toward the end of the year, despite discovering that the Illustration Friday drawing challenge no longer existed, I slowly began drawing again....but....at a....snail's....pace. My heart was back in it, but something was still missing.

Then, I got an email from Holly Becker, founder of Decor8 and Decor8 Courses, pioneer blogger, and overall inspirational, nice person. In 2010, I took her great online course, Blogging Your Way, to learned the basics of blogging. (I still have all my notes!) After a break from teaching to focus on books, print media, and other work, Holly magically showed up in my inbox this year with a new blogging course – Attract, Engage, Grow! – and it couldn't have come at a better time! 

As the title suggests, this six-week course promises to help bloggers grow their platform with integrity and heart. I am ready to do it! 

For me, the lessons have been eye-opening and inspiring from the start, answering my nagging questions and providing special guest expertise on specific topics. Class began in mid-April, and I had an epiphany after the first week, which focused on finding my voice. I realized that Melissa's Kitties needs to get back to its original kitty-centric focus on a new, easy-to-use, modern platform. My blog needs love, attention, and maybe just a whole new start. 

With this in mind, I am renaming this blog: Melissa's Kitties is now The Mother Kitty, inspired by the cat who started it all. You might remember the recent post I wrote about her, Beauty. Those memories convinced me that the new blog name is the right one: It celebrates The OG Kitty, my original inspiration, everything that came after her, and everything she continues to inspire. 

For class homework, I created this mood board, representing my initial vision and inspiration for The Mother Kitty blog. 

There's not much to it: It's all about the kitties, their stories, personalities, and special talents. The Mother Kitty blog will continue to explore their fascinating lives through daily activities and special series, highlighting our mutual love for arts and entertainment. I am still working out content details as class continues, but the kitties and I are excited to reintroduce ourselves to you soon as The Mother Kitty family. 

Stay tuned for exciting changes this summer as we transfer to a new and improved blogging platform, where Melissa's Kitties blog will refresh, revive and move into The Mother Kitty's world! Thanks for sticking with us on this exciting journey, and don't forget to join us on Instagram @themotherkitty too. 

Lots of love,