Thursday, November 04, 2010


For the last couple of months, my calendar has been full of travels and visitors.
My spare time has gone toward an online course, Blogging Your Way, and the resulting laundry list of things to do to improve my blog. While on a break from that, I've been watching the movies of TCM's October Star of the Month Fredric March.
Fredric March
Side note: While I usually fall in love with an actor and then go on a mission to see everything they've ever made, the opposite happened with this guy. I saw all these great movies and had a sudden realization that all had Fredric March in common. Lily and I have concluded that Fredric March is one of those actors that makes a movie better just because he's in it. While we still have a few movies to go in our marathon (Thanks, TCM!), and they've all been good so far, we still like and recommend our old favorites: The Best Years of our LivesInherit the WindNothing SacredA Star is Born, and Hombre. Do you have a favorite?
Lily has been equally occupied: Two weeks ago, she went on her first field trip. While our apartment was getting its annual pesticide treatment, she stayed in a friend's apartment for a day and didn't eat, play, or speak until she returned home.
Last week, I was off to the suburbs for a three-day work meeting and came home to find Dad who visited for the weekend. We were happy to attend The Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear on The National Mall Saturday, though I'm not sure the sanity we sought has returned.
This week, I'm fighting allergies while Lily battles the nightly shadows she finds on the walls. We're both exhausted by Project Runway's season-long drama and crushed by its finale.
Now, I'm finding it hard to stare at the computer as long as I have been, and Lily--as always--is annoyed that I'm sitting at the computer for any length of time at all.
In short, we are spent. Shhh...

Spent (October 29, 2010)
(Illustration Friday: October 29, 2010)

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