Friday, April 12, 2019

Out of hibernation

Hi everyone,

I know, it's been a long break.

After Christmas, my family and I traveled to Taipei, Taiwan, my mom's hometown, where we caught up with relatives. The last and only time I'd been to Taiwan was 20 years ago! This time around, we stayed at the famous Grand Hotel.

The Grand Hotel is where my parents were married nearly 50 years ago. 

We saw some Taiwanese kitties on rooftops.

Don't fall!

We found dragons on rooftops too.

The Lee cousins (seen here with their red jackets) were our wonderful tour guides. One of our stops was
LongShan Temple, which was built in the 1700s. 

We left Taipei for a few days to visit Sun Moon Lake in the countryside. It's only a few hours away by bus.
My parents hadn't been back to Sun Moon Lake since their honeymoon!

You can find more photos from our amazing trip to Taiwan on Instagram.

The scenic views were like paintings.

When I returned to D.C.'s freezing weather in early January, Lily and I decided to stay under a warm blanket in our comfy chair for the rest of winter.

This is one of her favorite positions.

Once I moved off my comfy chair, I began tidying up my apartment, per Maria Kondo's instructions. So far, I've cleaned out my clothes and books. I only got halfway through her book before being sidetracked by work with a career coach and search for a new job – a project that is still underway.

I've been busy dealing with life's little quirks and not focusing on my creativity, but the Kitties are never far from my thoughts. New posts are coming soon! Right now, our newest family member is busy attacking his big brother and climbing trees. He promises to sit still someday soon to tell me his story. Stay tuned...

In the meantime, enjoy these blossoms. Happy spring!

The cherry blossoms always brighten up this place. 

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