Sunday, August 15, 2010


Caged (August 6, 2010)
(Illustration Friday: August 6, 2010)

Yesterday, Ashes awoke from the strangest dream. "Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin'" is still stuck in her head. Now, it's probably in your head.... 

Despite drawing through most of my weekend, I'm a tiny bit off schedule again. The DC weather has worn me out! (When is Fall going to be here?) I had to get outside this weekend, which relieved us with civilized temperatures, because I was getting too used to talking to Lily all day during our TCM movie marathons. (August is Summer Under the Stars month, you know!) So, it was back to yoga class and out with friends. I could actually sit outside and drink a hot cup of tea without feeling as though I was in the Sahara! That's progress. 

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